Sac Plugged Female

How the program determines the date of dissection if a female is replugged:

1: If a female gets the last plug more than one day after previous plugs, only the last plug counts.

2: If a female gets plugged in two continous days, both plugs are valid. The plugs will be shown on the task calendar as below:

" f " means the First valid plug, " s " means the Second valid plug. On the plug list, the plugs are shown as below:

" ( " + tag number +" ) " means the last valid plug and " (( "+ tag number+" )) " means the first valid plug if replugged in continous days.

The program reminds you in several ways when a female is ready to sac:

1. In the census, the cage is highlighted as below:

2. The number of the females is shown on the wean date in task calendar.

3. The female is listed in the plug list.

After you sac the female, update the database as following:

1. Update plug information by double click the plug record:

2. Then enter the dissection information, especially the dissection date. The dead date of the female will be automatically updated as the dissect date. If you want to keep the female, check "Keep Female" box to remove the plug from reminding list.

You can find the plug information in the mating history of the male or female (Click on the main window).